Saturday night we had our first baptism at Faith Baptist Church.
That was easily said but it didn't come that easy. Baptism is a very important step in a person's Christian walk and many times it has more implications placed on it than it should have. It is a step of obedience to Christ's command in Matthew 28.18-20 and for this reason alone it carries import. However, many people put saving grace into the baptismal picture and thus cloud those waters.
Parents want their kids to realize the implications of this important step in their new Christian life. However, none of our teen's parents are saved. Thus adding a twist to their theological perspective and our proceedings.
Thus, during the week we made visits on each family to explained what exactly we were going to be doing with their teens. In the end all agreed to allow them to be Baptized. Many of you prayed for Guilherme and his mother Rose’s decision. She kept us hanging until two days before the actual event before she let it happen.
Each teen had at least one family member present for this important event and we were very excited about this aspect of the evening too. Pray that each of these dear ones will come to the Savior.
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