Saturday was Green Day at Bible Club! My team worked really hard and because of their excellent effort we finally WON first place for the day. With that win came our first Gold Star!
The only problem was that it was the last day of competition before the graduation ceremony to Delta Sector. That happens next Saturday.
The kids memorized Ephesians 6.10-17 and all that can say it next week in front of everyone will be promoted to that new level of fun.
Mother’s Day was special too. We had a great attendance for the second annual Dessert afternoon. There were sixteen mothers present and several family members. Dawn counted eighty-four total! The above pictures the kids giving their moms little presents that Joelma and Dawn had made for them
The Lord is at work but the news is not all good. A mom raised her hand at the invitation on Sunday, two kids came to talk to me about accepting Christ on Saturday after club. Those are good signs.
The bad news came when one of our faithful teen was forced to leave church because I had suggested that his recently saved mom needed to think about being baptized. Pray with us about this delicate matter.
This was Dawn’s first Mother’s Day in thirty-one years with no daughters nearby! She was sad but did a great job with putting on the spread for the mom’s of our neighborhood. The teen boys loved serving (and eating) the desserts she made.
I almost forgot to mention that on Thursday we had a great turnout for our Prayer Meeting. Friday I began an evangelism class with three of our teen boys. At their request! They had been able to share Christ with one of their friends but weren’t sure if they were “doing it right” so we had a good talk. It wasn’t all study though. They made their first pizzas and ate all but three small pieces of them too!
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