Our Bible club has been exciting recently after nearly dying. We were down to around 25 kids when Alexandre came up with the idea of changing our theme. We went from “normal” club to Sector Alpha! Just like that.
As I mentioned in a previous post we have a weekly Mission that we have to work on as a team. Last week’s task was to bring five kids with the same name to earn our 5000 points and complete the mission. Even though we fell one kid short we still had TWO Grazieles and TWO Jonatas. Three of the four were nearly yanked from their homes by our own Graziele (left). She is our little missionary and always ready to seek out that unknown kid.
GREEN came close to winning our first Gold Star but the blue team took the day again. We had over 60 kids at club.
The mission has already been given for this week and it included a bombshell for Sunday. All of the kids that came to club on Saturday had to return Sunday morning for Sunday School. EVERY ONE OF THEM or NO points were given.
Let me just say that I was NOT a happy camper because I knew that 100% return of the “Yanked” Saturday kids was never going to happen.
Sure enough, Sunday morning just as I thought, I went to pick up Wellington, one of my Faithfull's, he wasn’t there. He too is a little missionary man with a zillion friends but with him out of the picture our chance for Big Points was over. I went back to church to mope our loss.
Just then Graziele showed up and said, “Let’s go and get Graziele!” How could I tell her that we’d already lost and that her friend Graziele probably wouldn’t want to be yanked again? So, off we went.
To my shock, she came, and so did ALL 17 Green KIDS WHO HAD BEEN THERE ON SATURDAY! The kids weren’t actually Green, but you get my meaning. And, Wellington had walked to Sunday School and brought a visitor!
All told I had 27 in my Junior’s class. Including several brand new visitors! THAT was my biggest ever Junior class. Do you think it should be divided??
Anyway, there is a good possibility that we may win this Saturday! I'll keep you posted.
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