Most good Christians would shout a resounding YES!!! While secretly wishing that they could be a home (or with their i-gadget) to watch the game! That was the way it always was with me anyway. I wanted to do right but I wanted to watch the game too. We always blamed the Devil and Hollywood for putting the best stuff on T.V. on Sunday nights.
So, last Sunday we decided to help a bunch of young Christians do right. Our services are in the Public School building and we have use of that building from 9:00am to Noon and then from 3:00 to 5:00pm. So, this past Sunday we had Sunday School and then had our service. After which we had a Pot-Luck at our house and returned to the School to watch the 3:30 game with the video projector.
With our extra dinner guests the day was a buzz of activity. But as usual everyone loved Aunt Dawn’s good old American home cooking. Joelma and Maria, Alexandre’s mom, helped with some Brazilian rice and all were satisfied.
Brazil city life is noisy on a normal day. Add the excitement of World Cup action and it reminds one of
Loucura Total (TOTAL CRAIZNESS).
Fireworks are not illegal here and during normal game days they go of with regularity. On Cup day our two dogs quiver from morning until after the festivities. To top off the day Brazil won the game against Ivory Coast 3 to 1.
Maicon was a tad out of place with his Argentina jersey amongst the all yellow of the Brazil national team. Alexandre, JoĂŁo and Guilherme let him live, however.
But not before a little roughing up.
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