Sean Goldman’s story riveted Brazilians to the nightly news for months. It was a story of betrayal and dual nationality. It was the proverbial “helpless little boy” caught in a custody fight between a rich Brazilian lawyer and Sean’s blood-related American father.
In the States you may or may not remember Sean’s story. If you aren’t familiar with it you can read a short and somewhat biased account here.
Ann and Gabe are NOT in such a situation but their case has been influenced by it. They are stuck in Brazil until a handwritten and Brazilian Consulate notarized permission slip, allowing Gabe to leave with Ann, can be obtained from Jackson.
Jackson, Ann and Gabe traveled with Abby to Brazil, arriving on May 17. Jackson returned on the 25th because of work obligations. Ann, Gabe and Abby were to follow on May 31.
Gabe came into the country as a Brazilian with his Brazilian father. Ann came in as a foreigner because she is an American. When American Ann tried to leave with Brazilian Gabe the red flags went up. The above mentioned permission slip was missing.
Jackson will be traveling the two and a half hours from Greenville, SC to the Brazilian consulate in Atlanta today to write out that permission slip. He will then FedEx it to Ann. Pray for his safety and God’s timing for the arrival of that paper.
In the mean time we are enjoying their extended stay.
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