Last week I did something that I have never done before. I went looking for support in a Brazilian church. This time, however, I was part of a Brazilian missions team. It was the handsome team on the left. Alexandre, Maicon, João, Guilherme and Graziele.
Habiteto is a close community in a very different way. Many of it's inhabitants don't travel very much. One of our kid's mom hadn't left the city for twenty-five years.
So when these kids were told that they had been picked to go on a five day long trip six hour from Sorocaba they were ecstatic! Each paid their own way and were required to share their testimony and play their flutes at several churches. It took a lot of work and courage but they each did a great job.
While in Curitiba our kids had a rare treat. We went to the mall. Do you know a 13 year-old teen who has never been to the mall? It is rare in the States but not here. Guilherme had never been to a mall and between the others there were a total of three visits!
Overall, and mall visit’s aside, the trip was a great success in two ways. We spent some quality time with our teens and they were used by the Lord to share their testimonies with hundreds! We received confirmation of many who are praying for us and we came back very encouraged. Mission accomplished.
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