For the second time in as many months our teens were invited to participate in a youth activity at Calvary Baptist. Mario and Juliana were there and in fact it was Mario who was coordinating the evening. It was great to see both Juliana and Mario in action serving the Lord with their varied talents.
Mario had spend a lot of time during the week making up a, “Treasure-hunt, monster-chase, cops and robbers” type game that involved, a treasure map, hidden money and keys and a jail! And all of this in the dark. How much better could it get? Well how about throwing in a killer gorilla and about six policeman (one with a machinegun no less).
The kids were very excited about the game as they were being divided into three teams and figuring out their strategy. The lights went out and the fun began.
While all of this was going on Dawn and I chatted with Ju. She related how that she and Mario have moved seven times in the last few years since their marriage. They are back in Sorocaba and seeking God’s direction in their lives and coming ministry.
As our conversation progressed, all of a sudden two police rode up on motorcycles and stopped at the church gate. Mario and pastor Alexandre went to see what they wanted.
It turns out that several police were passing the church and noted kids jumping over the wall and thought that it was being robbed. They called for support and burst into the church ordering several of our teens to the wall! The photo above left was staged (for your benefit) but the actual moment was almost NO laughing matter. The above mentioned “machine-gun” wasn’t a prop nor part of the game. It was REAL!
In the end no one was hurt and even though several of the teens received a few rough words from the cops, all went very well. Can you imagine the stories they’ll tell when they get home?
Nice activity Mario! When can we do it again??
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