Just after our five day trip to Curitiba we came back to a full day’s kid’s retreat on Wednesday. We had over 50 kids and adults from our three churches and had a blast. The kids always love the pool and even tough it was cold they spent hours swimming. Pastor Wendel from Hope Baptist brought the challenge from the Word and there was enough hamburger, French fries and beans and rice for all to fill our bellies.
The retreat ended late Wednesday night and Vacation Bible School started the next day! Fun. We averaged 90 kids each of the three days. We had good singing and our theme was the Wordless book with each days story emphasizing a different color. Our games were nearly suicidal with that many kids and all of it was done in the outdoors. It made for some interesting background noise. Three boys and girls made professions of faith and we had four new visitors on Sunday because of the effort. MAN AM I POOPED!
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