Why is it that I always think that I need some super-fantastic news in order to update my blog? I just went for a solid twenty-two days with out a single word. When I did update yesterday I put up a picture that I thought that I’d used two updates ago. It was then that I realized that I had used the same picture two updates in a row separated by twenty-two days of blogish silence.
A blogger has to blog in order to keep a following. Since I don’t know if anyone is following my blog that makes an update even more imperative. I have stuff to tell and I need to keep that stuff coming in a thought provoking and interesting way. Blogs are fun that way, you can express your thoughts and ideas if for no other reason that to vent those thoughts and ideas.
Question for the day: What makes a kid come to church and leave a church? A few weeks a youngster came to church and fell in love with it. He couldn’t get enough. He was always wanting to be at church, Sunday school or our house. This attitude went on for about a month and a half.
Then... he missed a Prayer Meeting. Saturday came and he didn’t come to Bible Club. Sunday and no Sunday school. When I went to visit him his response revealed what extracts a little boy from church, “Pastor, I have soccer practice on Sunday morning at 9:00.”
Which is more fun, Soccer or Sunday school? Humm... for him of course it was Soccer. What makes many of our situations so sad is that there is no Spiritual root whatsoever and there is no parental root either. Let me explain that last phrase.
This little boy’s mother is a young girl who has NO interest in being a mother to a ten year old. She ignores him and has told him repeatedly that she doesn’t want to be his mom. Where does a little guy like this receive encouragement to stay in Sunday school.
From his Sunday school teacher? Certainly. But his teacher doesn’t live with him and can’t be there to get him up and ready for church. Which by the way was not a problem when he was liking church. His Sunday school teacher can’t make him come to church. I know because I’m his teacher.
I have about twenty kids on my Sunday school roll and of that group about five come faithfully. Why? No moorings, no impetus and no support. It is sad and can make me mad but that is life.
So, when you think about the Junior’s Sunday school class at your church, pray for the Junior’s class at Faith Baptist Church in the Habiteto.
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