Our orchestra is growing and we took it on the road this past Saturday. Our goal was not fame and fortune it was to present our ministry and the need of funds for purchase of land or building. In those regards the journey was a success.
We drove two hour and we arrived two hours early because of a miss-communication. Our untimely arrival meant that our final rehearsal would be in van. I say “our” rehearsal because I am now a budding member of the orchestra. Though the rehearsal was a tad cramped it was great to be able to work out some of the final kinks and squeaks.
I didn't get an exact count of those present for our presentation but with our team of ten there must have been close to a hundred. Our musical package was short but sweet. Graziele shared her testimony and Alexandre showed a video presentation and preached a message on, “What is a soul worth”. All of these worked together for a poignant evening.
There is no guarantee that Igreja Batista da BĂblia (Bible Baptist Church) will support our cause but we were excited none the less for the opportunity to share. Our group got some good experience and we were able to enjoy an International Dinner with the folks. It was weird having “American” food as one of the oddities. I love Bar-B-Cue chicken. Yum!
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