The Orchestra in the Woods trip turned into a jaunt to a local park. Of all things the National Park was closed because the day we went was a Holiday. Does that make sense to you? Me neither. We must be Americans.
We had a blast anyway. I was glad that we didn't make the mountain trek because the day was sunny and hot. One of the highlights of the trip was the excellent Bar-B-Que that Samuel and Junior cooked up. Another highlight was the fellowship that we had with our small orchestra group.
I thought that I liked to take pictures. Junior took nearly 400 in just three hours! He likes his new camera.
Sunday we had a "Thanksgiving" focus in our afternoon service. We met early and played a few games and then I preached from Psalm 100. We had over fifty present which was our biggest group in quite awhile.
That evening I also preached at New Life Baptist who was celebrating it's 21st birthday. There was a great group, a good spirit and two huge cakes. It was a great day.
Saturday we went to the ranch for our final Company C meeting. We had over 30 kids and several helpers as we again made a trek into the unknown swamp. The last time many of the kids got stuck in the mud. This time we were in worse shape as we tramped through some very nasty waters.
Two highlights, again the great Bar-B-Que and hearing all of the kids reciting their memory work passage from John chapter 10. The weather was perfect and in the low 80. Not bad for two days after Thanksgiving!
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