We presented our Cantata four times today. It was a scorcher again and I know that you in the far north are envious. But we actually prayed for cloud cover. The day was virtually cloudless when we began to pray and it took only four hours for the Lord to totally cover the sky with lovely clouds and finally a good hard rain!
We presented at an orphanage and the little ones loved it. Both ours and the orphanage’s. The orphanage is next door to the Police Headquarters for our city. Just as the Angel’s arrived in our play the SWAT helicopter arrived and hovered about 100 feet from us. It wasn’t angel’s wings that we heard flutter but the sound was impressive.
Our kids had saved their nickels, dimes and quarters to buy presents for these orphans who are less privileged then they are. It was neat to see our kids giving the little ones their gifts. In fact several hearts were touched. I realized just how much when Dawn said, “How many do you think that we could adopt?” And she wasn’t kidding.
In between presentations we had around thirty-five for a lunch that Dawn arranged and prepared with the help of Amanda and Graziele. It was luscious even though it must have been 100 degrees when we ate it. Dawn made a pumpkin cake and a mayonnaise cake neither of which any of our group had ever had. They loved them both even though they had those scary things in them!
Our second presentation was for virtually nobody. We did it at the Bakery across the street from our house. The only two that heard it were the baker and a girl who works at the bakery. And Man was it HOT. The sun had cooked the concrete side walk all morning and the rays were coming up my pant leg as I hacked away at my cello. We’ll see what the Lord does with this presentation because for all intents and purposes it seemed like just another practice.
Our third and fourth presentations were at a couple of different supermarkets. By this time the Lord had provided a great cloud cover but both of these presentations were inside. We received applauses at both and made a good contact with an American who has just moved to our city to teach English. Again the results are in the Lord’s hands.
The day was exhausting for all who participated but it was a blessing to be a part of it just the same. A funny thing happened to start the day. I had borrowed a friends car to be able to help transport the large group of kids we had in the play and choir. My friend has this beater with an alarm.
I pulled the car out of my garage and left it running while I locked up the house. Just as I was walking toward the car the alarm went off. I had been instructed on how to disarm the alarm. But my instruction didn’t include how to disarm it when it was in full blaring mode. So, there I sat nearly in the middle of the street looking like a well dressed car thief trying to shut up this stupid car.
When all of a sudden up drives this guy who yells at me, “Hey buddy! You need to shut the car off, turn it on again and then hit that little button under your dash to shut that alarm off!”
Now, I want to know how he knew that I wasn’t stealing that car! Oh well, in the end I made it to Cantata land on time!
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