Our weekend was wonderful and then the miracle happened! We had 75 in club on Saturday and 52 Sunday morning for our Easter breakfast and 71 for our Sunday evening service. Our Day was special because we had several visitors, the kids did a play that a junior, Mirela, wrote and our choir presented a mini-cantata with video. On Monday I visited Wendel, pastor of Hope Baptist. As I got to his house he greeted me with these words, “Pastor our Sunday was a wonderful experience Carlinho’s mother made a decision to accept Christ.” THAT didn’t make sense! The only Carlinhos that I could think of was my friend Carlinhos who had worked with me in the Junior’s Sunday school class. It couldn’t have been his mother that got saved because she was a witch who had threatened to shoot me. It couldn’t be THAT woman. But it was. Way back in 2004 I had visited this woman and in my rather abrupt way I made her listen to John 3:16 as I put her name in key parts. She didn’t like it one bit and hated me ...
These are devotional thoughts from a guy who lives in Brazil. I recount personal experiences and Bible applications with most of my posts. These "thoughts" are mostly for me but if you want to, you can read them too!