I think that I’ve already related this but our attempt to get a free lease on a piece of land has failed to date. City Hall doesn’t give land to churches. Or at least that is what they think.
I was talking to pastor Samuel on Sunday and he believes that the land is ours for the asking. His idea is to go straight to the top with our presentation and plea. Of course we’ve already done that in asking our Father. Pray that we take the proper action and get the right response.
Yesterday while running some errands I encountered an enormous bank line. I needed to make a withdrawal so there I stood for almost an hour. As I entered the tail-end of the line I noticed that the lady in front of me was reading a “spiritual” booklet.
Being the snoopy sort I glanced at what she’d underlined. It read something about, “God’s will for your life…”. That got my curiosity up and I said, “Another great way to discover God’s will is found in Romans 12. Especially verses 1 and 2.”
For the next 45 minutes I was able to share Christ. She was transfixed. Her name is Cristina and she is Seventh Day Adventist. She says that she is a believer but has no assurance of Salvation. Pray that God will continue to help her come to the Savior.
Last night we had our fourth study with Creuza (don’t even try to say that one! You’ll get a cramp in your tongue). She is the janitor in the building we use for our church services and one of Alexandre’s coworkers. We have presented the Gospel several times to her and her two children Bruno and Pricila over these four studies. As of yet there have been no decisions for salvation. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to His saving grace.
One of our teen boys has caught fire lately. Lucas came to Christ in December. He is an outgoing young man and a real go-getter! His goal recently is to share the Gospel with at least five people per day and that’s what he’s been doing!
Lucas’ dad is an influential man in the neighborhood (hood if you get my drift). Lucas recently shared Christ with him. Pray that God will pierce the darkness. We’re really excited about what God is doing in and through Lucas.
We started choir last Sunday and our orchestra seems to be growing weekly. Pray that we’ll use both for God’s glory. We had nearly 70 kids on Saturday for Company C Bible club! Talk about a work out.
Speaking of work-outs, Dawn and I are in our fourth week of exercises at a nearby fitness center. We are seeing some results and praising the Lord for healthier bodies. Thank you for helping us serve Him!
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