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Smack Me Once and I’ll ….

Taiswhosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5.39)
Our teen group is in the midst of a “Pro -Teen” type year. For those of you familiar with the Pro – Teen youth program you know that our teens are learning verses, reading their Bibles, helping in the church and adopting juniors. Adopting juniors?

Yeah, as weird as it might sound our teens are “adopting” my Junior’s Sunday school class. The reason is … well, the reason is that my coworker Alexandre has a very creative mind and he came up with this great idea. The teens are to be mentors, disciple-makers and examples to my Juniors.

The Juniors are in this competition for fun, prizes and a lot of learning. Why, just the other day Tais came to me relating her recent interest in reading the Bible. Her fascination is sparked by the contest. She gets points for doing it! The teens are reading through the New Testament this year. Most of them are in 1 Thessalonians. Of course the Juniors have just started the race and so Tais is in Matthew.

She said the funniest thing to me on Friday. It went something like this, “Pastor, I read this really weird part of Matthew. It said that if someone smacks me on the cheek that I am supposed to turn the other one! I had to ask my sister what it meant! I knew that it couldn’t possibly mean that I have to let someone smack me twice with out doing anything about it! But it’s TRUE! Can you believe that?!” I about died laughing.

Tais lives in a neighborhood where getting smacked twice can be a deadly proposition. Very often that first smack is the last one. If you don’t fight for your life you lose. So, to hear Jesus’ words were, well confusing, shocking and weird to her young ears.

His statement was probably shocking to His First Century audience too. They lived in brutal times. The PAX ROMANA (Roman Peace) was PAX only because the enemy was usually savagely conquered. Turning one’s cheek could be a last decision. It was definitely a sacrifice of the will and an alien concept.

Years ago on Bonanza Little Joe uttered some “Tais” type thinking when he was punched in the face. He said, “The Good Book says that I have to offer the other cheek.” To which his opponent took advantage with another jaw-busting clout. Joe then said, “But after THAT the Good Book doesn’t say anything!” as he proceeded to pound the living day-lights out of the black-hatted aggressor.

This wasn’t the sentiment Jesus had in mind. Self-sacrifice was the thought; a willingness to lay aside one’s pride and take it on the chin come what may. I have never had to take a belt in the kisser like Little Joe and I had never really thought the process through like Tais. But she was right, it is a weird concept in these savage days. It is an attention getting concept that will possibly smack our opponents with the PAX of our Savior Jesus Christ if we put it into practice.


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