Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6.10)
My gym experience continues. I am seeing progress but am also feeling like a whipped pup after every workout. Right now for example my hip hurts, my foot aches and I can barley lift my fingers to the keyboard without grunting.
Why? Is it age? Is it weakness? Is it the intensity of the training? Yes, yes and maybe.
Age fights dirty and saps one’s youthful strength. Weakness is harder to lick than it used to be. The training is intense but could be worse. Building stamina will take longer than it did when I was fifteen. And there is a good chance that it might never arrive at the level that I had way back then.
All of this made me wonder about my spiritual stamina. Do I lose strength as I age? Does the battle’s intensity lessen?
Paul, in the above text indicates that the older we get the more we need to get strong. Life can be a tough trainer. It often has no pity nor mercy. If I don’t get the lesson the first time I am apt to repeat the dreaded reps innumerable times.
The encouragement comes as I examine this text a bit closer to find the source of my strength. Notice it, “…in the power of his might” His who? The Lord.
The Lord’s arm is STRONG. With His strength as my source I need never fear spiritual muscle cramping, fatigue nor exhaustion. God’s exercise plan is not necessarily easy but it is definitely worth the effort. God promises success and happiness as I stick to the Plan.
Spiritual fitness is enviable. Do you know any spiritually fit people. Don’t you just want to have there physic? You can but you won’t find it in a bottle, weight room or on a tread mill. It comes as you dedicate yourself to God, His Word and prayer.
The key word is, “dedicate”. Dedication is a daily, moment by moment exercise that with time will pay great dividends. Don’t give up! If you feel whipped… get back up and have at it again! You won’t be sorry.
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