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Heman the Singer Man

Heman a singer (1 Chronicles 6.32)

back-exercisesReading through 1 Chronicles I came across this interesting name and sacred music came to mind. What genera did Heman imitate? What kind of “set-up” time did Heman’s ancient group need. How did they do what they did without electricity? How did they worship God without amplifiers, soundboards, mixers and mics?

Our worship music has evolved into an ugly alien these days. Its barely distinguishable from barroom music. There is a “Top Ten” countdown for gospel (little g) just as there is for Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop and Rap. And like the latter the gospel music performers receive little trophies for their labors and millions in their bank accounts. Of course I’m sure that each of them tithes to their local band of believers. Pun intended on the word “band”. Millions upon millions are invested and made in the gospel music industry.

Didn’t that last phrase sound cold? It is cold. The gospel music industry is a sham. It is the Devil’s lie. It gratifies the flesh and flushes worship down the toilet. It is oxymoronic and often very heavy on the moronic. Gospel and “music industry” do not mix. Trying to shoehorn the two into the same bed, excuse the mixed metaphors,  brings a shameful disgrace that fools doating fans, leaves them spiritually empty and worshipping a man made god.

What would Heman do if he walked into a worship service in the 21st Century? Would he jump up on stage and grab the mic? Would he brandish his guns and begin to throw everyone out of the worship-center? Or would he call in the troops to annihilate the pagans?

God rejects and punishes wrong worship. I know you remember the name Uzza. He wasn’t a musician but he died in a worship event. His is an odd story and is found in 2 Samuel 6.3-7. It is a short ode but highlights God’s attention to detail in His worship.

There is music involved in Uzza’s story. Though it is not the music that brings God’s wrath. As David’s men bring the Arc of the Covenant back to Jerusalem after its 20 absence the mood is festive ecstasy. Even king David is dancing.

Then it happens. An ox stumbles the cart lurches and the Arc of God nearly topples to the ground. Uzza does what any of us might have done. His action was instinct to protect the Arc from damage!  When his hand touched that sacred piece of furniture he died. The Bible doesn’t relate detail it simply says, God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God (7). This ecstatic event suddenly became a funeral procession.

Why did Uzza die? What did he do wrong? If he hadn’t steadied the Arc wouldn’t it have fallen?

He died because of king David’s sloppy worship. David knew the proper way to handle the Arc and it wasn’t on a ox-card. David worshipped and danced before the returning Arc. It was a surreal event in Israel’s history. After so many years the most treasured article was finally returning to its rightful place. But God wasn’t amused and Uzza paid dearly.

If God dealt with our Twenty-First Century sloppy worship like he dealt with David’s there would be a musical holocaust. 


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