Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. (Ephsians 2:19-22)
Sunday just after Sunday school our church went the 100 meters from where we meet now to our future church building site. There were around forty of us who spread out to cover the four sides of our property. There we bowed our heads and prayed for God to consecrate this tiny piece of land for His honor and glory.
It was a historic moment. It was a moment that we had been praying for for over two years. We had asked God’s direction, protection and provision. We had asked for clear and concrete proof as to where He wanted our building. Three weeks ago that answer came as Alexandre saw a for sale sign on two lots. Negotiations were made and money changed hands. The lots are ours.
How will a group of kids pay for such an accomplishment? One thousand dollars a month for twenty-seven months. Can it be done?
Those questions that rage in our minds are fodder for fear, doubt. But when we consider who our God is they quickly disappear like a morning mist on a breezy day. Can the God who helped us arrive at such a historic day provide for the completion of the task ahead? Of course He can.
An old friend of mine made the following comment when he saw the pictures of our ceremony, “Praise God!!! Picture and Land "PRICELESS" - A true picture of the foundation and growth that make up the church; not the four walls of the church building; but the people - the prayers - and the power of God that works through both.”
That quote pierced my heart. I look at those kids praying for something that none of us could have comprehended just two years ago and I want to cry, jump for joy and say “Praise the LORD” all at the same time. It is such a joy to know that not to long from now, even before our land is completely paid for and before we have enough money, we will begin the next phase, that of construction.
Rejoice with us! Thank you for upholding us in prayer!
Sunday just after Sunday school our church went the 100 meters from where we meet now to our future church building site. There were around forty of us who spread out to cover the four sides of our property. There we bowed our heads and prayed for God to consecrate this tiny piece of land for His honor and glory.
It was a historic moment. It was a moment that we had been praying for for over two years. We had asked God’s direction, protection and provision. We had asked for clear and concrete proof as to where He wanted our building. Three weeks ago that answer came as Alexandre saw a for sale sign on two lots. Negotiations were made and money changed hands. The lots are ours.
How will a group of kids pay for such an accomplishment? One thousand dollars a month for twenty-seven months. Can it be done?
Those questions that rage in our minds are fodder for fear, doubt. But when we consider who our God is they quickly disappear like a morning mist on a breezy day. Can the God who helped us arrive at such a historic day provide for the completion of the task ahead? Of course He can.
An old friend of mine made the following comment when he saw the pictures of our ceremony, “Praise God!!! Picture and Land "PRICELESS" - A true picture of the foundation and growth that make up the church; not the four walls of the church building; but the people - the prayers - and the power of God that works through both.”
That quote pierced my heart. I look at those kids praying for something that none of us could have comprehended just two years ago and I want to cry, jump for joy and say “Praise the LORD” all at the same time. It is such a joy to know that not to long from now, even before our land is completely paid for and before we have enough money, we will begin the next phase, that of construction.
Rejoice with us! Thank you for upholding us in prayer!
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