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Goings On

Being the only missionary in a town of over 600.000 has its advantages and disadvantages. Well disadvantages might be a strong word but when a trip to São Paulo is involved it aint what I used to think that it was. I used to love to go into the BIG city but I've become acustomed to "smaller" town living. The call to duty this time was picking up Ben and Dani Jacobs and with coworkers Shawn and Donna Alexander in the States we were called to action. 

This time we needed to take two vans because there were going to be a lot of boxes. It was a great test of my Christian walk. I drove one van and Dawn drove me crazy.... the other van. 

Dawn is a very good and cautious driver. She goes the speed limit even when there isn't one. She is a sweetheart and I love her. I just don't like having to lead her into São Paulo. God is always good and we made in and back saftely at 2:45 AM Saturday morning with the Jacobs family. 

On another note We were able to make contact with three children who had been virtually kidnapped. They are 10, 7 and 5 respectively and had been sold for drugs by their low-life dad. Mom died just two years ago leaving them virtually orphans and in a horrible 'home' life. One of our members who is related to these kids went after them and was able to find and bring them back to family members. This is an ongoing situation that needs prayer and God's wisdom. Please pray.

Several kids and teens and I began to work on our land this week. We spent several hours with hoes clearing the weeds. We hired a quick "tractor" job that made more of a mess than did any good. But the land is now cleared and the kids are asking when we can work there again. The little dears don't know that work ususally involves money. Which is a tad short just now. 

Sunday morning we had a record crowd in our Sunday school class. We had 28 Juniors! We had a total of 67 in our Sunday school over all. 

Monday night Dawn and I will be having several of our pastors and families over for a meal tomorrow night. It should be a good time of fellowship. Thanks for upholding us in prayer and with your gifts.

Mike Jewell

|T: |Cell: 15.8800.1676|
First Baptist Church of Lake Orion, MI | Baptist Mid-Missions| |

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Latest post: Grazi said to me today, "Pastor when are we going to be able to work on the land again?" I loved to hear that!!
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