And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod .Exodus 4:2
I'm a "walking-stick" kind of guy. I've always like to grab a stick when going for a walk in the woods and weeds. I have several right now on my back porch. The one that I cut just two days ago is green bamboo! Cool.
In Moses’ writings we read about Aaron's rod, God's rod and Moses' rod. All were used in Power move situations. Have you noticed?
On Moses’ first encounter with Jehovah God the question is asked, "What is that in your hand" and the response is, "A rod." However, when tossed to the ground that "rod" became a wicked looking snake. How do I know that it was wicked looking? Because an aged shepherd who had been working the "back-side" of the desert for forty years ran like a scared school boy when he saw it!
The rod became leverage in the conversation with pharaoh. Don't you just know that Moses was chomping at the bit to chuck that stick at pharaoh's feet. And can't you see the initial reaction when pharaoh's magicians did the same trick? However, that day, Moses was the only one who went home with a rod!
We see the Rod again on the beach of the Nile. Moses touched the waters and shut down a country for a whole week because the water became blood! It was amazing. It was the Rod.
The Rod became frog bait. Aaron touched the Nile and this time zillions of frogs infested the land. Kermit would NOT have been popular in Egypt circa 1445 B.C..
Next the Rod was used to make a country itch. I'm itching now just thinking about what happened. Aaron touched the dust of the ground with the Rod and it became lice. Have you ever had lice? I haven't but I know people who have and it is not a pretty site. I can't even comprehend the run on the drug stores and vinegar isle that must have taken place.
Then Moses raised his Rod and God sent huge hailstones and fire that ran along the ground. Always a nice combination when wreaking havoc and proving a point. People are looking for the hail and run into the fire or they are running from the fire and get whacked by a hailstone. All put in motion by the Rod.
The next great event that involved that Rod was something that I tried just recently, the parting of the waters. It looked so easy when Charlton Heston did it in, "The 10 Commandments". I raised my walking stick and... nothing. Not even a ripple.
Moses' lifted his rod, however, and a sea split to let two million people cross on dry ground. [Aside] How long did that take? I've spend the better part of a half an hour just getting to my car through the tunnel that leads from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. Two million crossing a sea bead? Man. The Rod strikes again.
The Rod was used to bring water from the rock. Its use prohibited Moses' entry into the Promised Land. It budded, had flowers and almonds to prove Moses and Aaron's authority and finally came to rest in the Ark of the Covenant according to Hebrews 9.4.
A simple tool wrought wonders and it all started with the mild question, "What is that in your hand?" When Moses cut that stick did he have any idea about what it would become? Of course not. He had no clue. It was a rod. Moses was a humble man in a harsh place. Yet with the power of God behind that rod it moved nations. I believe that we will see that stick in heaven. It is a symbol of a yielded life and an all powerful God.
What is that in YOUR hand, a pen, screwdriver, iPhone? Throw it down and let's see what you become! Want too?
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