What is your routine? Do you get used
to doing what you do? Do you look forward to doing it or is it what
you might call a rut? Whatever the case, your life has certain
activities that you do regularly that you don't even think about. It
is your routine.
Have you ever thought about writing
about your routine life? Do you think that anyone would want to read
about what you do? I can see it now, "I got up at 5:00 this
morning and got ready for work. I had to jump the car but finally got
it going. Got to work just in time to jump into my coveralls.
"I painted trucks from 6:00 until
8:00 and took a break. Started painting again at 8:28 and went until
10:00. Lunched from 10:00 until 10:30. Started painting again."
Sounds boring doesn't it? Sometimes it
was. I know because that was MY life for twenty-two years!
However, that wasn't all of what I did.
I had other activities too. I had a life after work. I got home
everyday at around 3:00 pm and had a family to help raise. We had
church activities. We had outings. We had birthday parties, vacations
and fun.
My routine was a hard one to not like.
It was one of the reasons that I tried NOT to obey God's direction.
My life was what I wanted it to be. I was earning a good living and I
was giving so that others might go to the field and tell people about
Jesus. My routine was comfortable. It was how I lived. It was, "God's
blessing and provision" and I liked it that way. I allowed my
routine to become an excuse. My routine was my life and nothing could
or would change it.
Even when I heard a message from a
missionary friend that challenged me to my core. I doubted that God
was calling me to do something other that my routine. However, God in
His mercy and grace allowed me to continue my routine for years. He
allowed me to learn along the way. He allowed many people to
influence and teach me. And all the way He was preparing me for
another routine.
I have been in that new routine now for
fifteen years and nine months! I have discovered that on the mission
field routine is very different. At times it is difficult at times it
seems that there are no results. At times it is boring. At times it
is super exciting. However, it is routine.
How could living in Brazil be routine!?
It can't. The word routine brings to mind mindless tedium, boring
chores and endless monotony. Mission work is anything but these.
So, how is your job going? Boring,
endless, tedious? Maybe God wants you to do something else! If so
give me a call or send me a text! It will be anything but a routine
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