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8 Hours from the End of My World

The end of the world
I am typing this note on December 21, 2012; the date that fire is supposed to rain down from the heavens. I’m typing fast; so if you see any mistakes please forgive me. Yesterday I found myself just eight hours from the end of earthly journey. The weird thing is that I didn’t know that I was that close to death.

I hadn’t been looking forward to death and destruction like so many others have been with this 12-21-12 foolishness. There I was sitting in my beat up old van on one of the main arteries entering downtown Sorocaba. Dawn and I were heading in to do some last minute, actually first minute, Christmas shopping.

The street we were on is a narrow one. It stretches up from a bridge into the main flow of city traffic. It is heavily used daily; it is one-way and usually crammed with Buses, Motorcycles, cars and pedestrian. I always use the left lane because it is relatively faster. Yesterday I found myself in the right lane for whatever reason.

The right lane is usually slow because of the myriad city buses. And sure enough, yesterday I was sandwiched between two of the gentle giants. On my right was the old fabric factory that is currently being remodeled into a shopping mall. The structure is ninety nine years old and had been abandoned for at least fifteen years. Recently an investment group decided to turn it into a place of commerce. It was a great idea.

The walls of that building have to be sixty feet tall. Its huge. There we sat waiting in traffic to the hilt; little knowing that we were just eight hours from death. It was a sweltering day with full sun and high humidity. We parked and spent the next four hours making purchases. As we returned home we got the garage cleaned and mopped for Prayer Meeting.

Our service starts at 7:00. We had a good group with nearly 40 crammed into our small garage. Little did we know that at exactly that moment eight people, who found themselves in the same lane of traffic that we had used just eight hours earlier, were crushed as a wall of that old factory collapsed onto their gridlocked cars. The end of their world came a day before December 21, 2012.

Those people didn't have a chance. Traffic was stopped; a huge bus blocked any exit, however, escape wasn't even considered because there was no apparent danger. They were unsuspecting victims waiting to die.

It is the biggest tragedy that Sorocaba has suffered in years. Three days of mourning have been declared and there will be a thorough investigation into the cause of the disaster. December 21, 2012 the Mayan myth; which even the Myan’s deny, has many worried about a fire and brimstone cataclysmic end. When in reality no one knows the day nor the hour in which they will step into eternity. How many of those eight in yesterday's accident stepped onto heaven’s shore? How many into hell’s fire just days before Christmas. Did any of them worry about the end of the world?

Granted I am not recommending a death dreading earthly walk. I am not suggesting that we amble around with brick-proof umbrellas. Nor am I saying that we should be doom and gloomers. I am saying that it is very important to have a vital and living relationship with Jehovah God; He who protects from falling walls. Though He doesn't always protect. Sometimes He allows those walls to ussher His servants into His presence. The point is, are you prepared for a falling wall; or for the end of your world? It will come when you least expect it.

Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25.13


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