I graduated from high school in 1971. I'm old I know! However, that number still holds fond memories for me. I think its because I waited so long to celebrate my graduation. From September of 68 to June of 71 the anticipation did nothing but grow. The big day came and went and then I realized that there was more to life than my high school graduation. My life focus was rather narrow back then.
Thinking of that lovely old number 71, however, I was reading in Psalm 71 this evening. It is one of the untitled psalms. We don't know the author. However, he reveals a lot about how he felt about his God. If you read this short psalm and meditate on it you learn a lot about the person who wrote it.
He says that before he was born he was leaning on God (6). Now that is incredible. He also speaks of his relationship with God during his youth (17). He tells God to not forsake him in his old age so that he can tell the next generation about His great God (18).
Is he talking about some kind of resurrection in verse 20? It looks like it. Whatever the case this man had an intimate relationship with Jehovah. He admits that God hadn't shielded him from all trouble (20) but He had helped him to walk closer and shout His praise even louder because of those troubles.
What does your God walk look like? Does it recognize total dependance on the God who controls your every step. Or do you walk like someone trying to control your path alone. If you are trying to do that it is a futile effort. This anonymous author would be the first to tell you.
He discovered early what dependance on God looked like and followed that straight and narrow path his whole life. Who was this strange man? David? Solomon? Or one of the other authors of Psalms? As mentioned we don't know. Nor does it matter. This psalm boils down to a choice. Will I follow this man’s example? Will I allow God total control of my life in good times and in bad times?
A pastor friend of mine once said, “I hope that when I am old and have Alzheimers that I don't forget God and begin to cuss and smoke cigarettes!” I laughed when he said it but then began to think, “Would I do something like that?”
In my right mind now I say, “Heavens NO!” However, alzheimers doesn't leave one in their right mind. My comfort comes because I know the God who took me from my mother’s womb (6) and He can keep me to the end and beyond! Alone I am weak. With Him I am in good hands! I am leaning on Him now! Are you? Don't ever forget old 71. It is a great one!
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