I had a neat experience with Brandon this morning. He is my five-year-old grandson. You can learn a lot by working with a five-year-old! Why, just a few minutes ago while cutting down a hedge the lessons were flowing.
I was straining my old guts out trying to cut through a 40-year-old plant with a bow saw. I had been at it for about half an hour when up walks Brandon. He grabbed one of my fresh cuts and jerks it out of the chorus line of shrubs. As he does he lets out a war whoop and says, “Grandpa, look what I just did!”
My thoughts went carnal, “You little runt! I’ve been straining and grunting for half an hour and you just come up and give a yank on a twig and yell, ‘Look what I did?’”. Then it hit me. That is so often what I do with my Father. He has worked, toiled and detailed every aspect of a particular situation. Then I step in and hoist a twig and say, “LOOK WHAT I JUST DID!” thumping my chest at my great accomplishment.
A few seconds passed and Brandon chortled another jewel of wisdom. It sparked my fertile mind. “Grandpa, if HULK were here he could get these bushes out in a hurry!” Oh sure, it takes Grandpa forever what HULK could pull off, pun intended, in an instant.
My mind instantly raced to many situations where I have wished the help of some superhero, or not so superhero. If so-and-so were here things would get done better! If only I worked with so-and-so. If I had so-and-so’s money, man oh man we would roll!” I forget that my Father is in complete control and can pull off what HULK has never thought of. I overlook his power at my disposal.
The last lesson was more funny than wise. Recently as you may know, someone literally gave me a 1997 Dodge Ram short van. Brandon rode home with me from the former owner’s house. He was silent for most of the trip. I think that he was in awe of the whole idea. Not that the van is lush; though it is a conversion with four cool captain’s chairs.
When we got home he said, “Grandpa, we could sleep in this thing!” We both gave a Tim the Toolman grunt and hopped into the back to prove his theory. We now call it the “Man Van”.
Just a few minutes ago Brandon’s mom, Amy asked him if he wanted to stay with Grandpa or go shopping with her and Grandma. “What car are you taking?” Were his only words. Brandon ain't goin nowhere if it ain't in the MAN VAN! No sir! No ma'am!
Just a few minutes ago Brandon’s mom, Amy asked him if he wanted to stay with Grandpa or go shopping with her and Grandma. “What car are you taking?” Were his only words. Brandon ain't goin nowhere if it ain't in the MAN VAN! No sir! No ma'am!
Funny what you can learn from a five-year-old if you listen.
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