I was looking for a ring just a few minutes ago. No not a gold ring. Not my wedding ring. That never leaves my finger. It was just a metal ring. A “tool” ring.
Metric and United States customary units are different if you didn’t know. We’re used to two liters of pop and a ten k run but not so much with centimeters, millimeters, kilos and such. My ring was to jury rig a Black and Decker grinder to a metric measure disk. I had a small, “washer” type ring made up that fits into the grinder disk hole so that it fits just right. Slick when you can find the dumb thing!
I knew that I had seen it just a while ago. I had handled it, I had looked upon it. I had put it in a safe place so that I wouldn't forget where it was. That was my problem, the place was so safe that I forgot where it was.
I looked for nearly half an hour. I took tools out of my tool box that hadn't been moved in years. I put them back. I took tools out of my tool pouch. I put them back. I took tools out of my emergency tool kit. I put them back. Then I started the whole process over again with a sighed, “I know that I have seen that ring recently!”
As I pondered my third go around with the tools I whispered a prayer, “Father, help me find that ring.” and placed my hand on my circular saw. I picked up that saw and said, “What did I do with that...”.
A thought popped into my brain. “The circular saw.” At that moment I whipped that saw over and noticed a metric saw blade in place of the United States customary units one! I grabbed a wrench and began to twist off the bolt securing that blade knowing in my heart that God had answered my prayer.
He had! The moment I prayed, my hand touched the saw. That touch sparked a thought. The touch brought the memory of the ring I had installed a few months ago. And there it was. In a very safe place. Thank you Father for Your help!
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