Acts 10
This Is a weird sentence. This Is what Peter said when Jesus told him to arise and eat whatever he wanted from the floating sheet in Acts 10. The sheet vision was full of all kinds of animals and Peter didn't want to have anything to do with it. He’d never eaten unclean things.
Peter had a way of wanting the right thing but going about it in the wrong way. For some examples. Peter had just exclaimed, “You are the Christ the Holy One from God!” and only a few minutes later he was called Satan by Jesus! Why? Because he was wanting to save Jesus' life from a death on the cross. Which, was actually God’s plan for redemption. Later, it was Peter who said that, even though ALL the disciples deserted Jesus, he would NEVER desert him. Jesus then told him that before the night was done he would deny him not Once nor Twice but THREE times! Did he? Yes.
Then here in Acts 10 he’s at it again. This, mind you, was after Pentecost and his amazing message that saw nearly 3000 come into the Kingdom. Peter had been in jail for his faith and had been doing miracles left and right. But in this vision of a strange lunch bag, he thought that he knew better. He wouldn't disobey God even if he had to disobey God in doing it. Wait? What??
The word Lord means Master. And in saying, “Not so Lord” Peter was saying, “Master, I am not going to do what you said I must do.” Why didn’t God just zap this thick headed guy? Because God wasn’t through with Peter. God is good and kind and willing to work with thick headed people like you and me. Even after a lot of thick headedness. Aren't you glad!
Peter went and preached a message that was cut short by the coming of the Holy Spirit on the small group of Gentiles. What a way to end a message! And thus the door was opened for future generations of Gentiles to come into the Kingdom.
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