When Jesus Christ takes over this world he will conquer the last enemy. That enemy is a terribly powerful one who has taken the life of all but two people in history. The enemy is called "Death".
In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul expounds on the subject in verses 20 - 26. It is a fascinating read. The whole chapter is worth memorizing.
My study Bible has titled the chapter, "the resurrection of Christ". Paul, however, talks about the resurrection of the believers too. We believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ depend on the doctrine of the resurrection. It is our longing and hope. Like Paul states in this passage, "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied" (19).
When Christ returns, however, he will destroy the last enemy, death.
Wait? But, what about his millennial reign? Doesn't it say somewhere (Is 65:20) that, during the Millennium, that the person who dies at 100 years old will be considered an infant?
So, my question is this, "If, at Christ's second coming, he eliminates the last enemy, which is death, how can there be any death during his reign, whether at 100 or whatever age?"
Have you ever thought about that?
Could it be that at Christ's second coming he kills death by eliminating all of his enemies, death among them. And as he emerges victorious, and presents the kingdom to God, he, along with his redeemed brethren, will enter the eternal state? The Millennium having already ended?
Ponder that question.
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