Smartphones are pretty cool aren't they? We have 120 million times more computing power in our phones than the Apollo 11 moon mission computer. Of course we don’t think about that part as long as we can access Whatsapp or messenger. It seems that I rarely use my phone to call someone.
The Word of God is cool too. Of course that is a silly way of saying that the Word is awesome!! Hebrews tells us that the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.
Stopping to ponder that might make you say, "So, how can it be living? Powerful? Sharp?"
The Word is living because it speaks of eternal life given by an eternal God to finite beings. It is powerful because it's message can change your life. Sharp because it cuts to the marrow. The Word of God is more powerful than any old smartphone.
It tells us of our spiritual condition and what we need to do to have a relationship with God. So, treat the Bible like you treat your cell phone. Use it as much as you do your smartphone and pay attention to it. It will take you to the moon and beyond!
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