The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him (Colossians 1:15,16).
I recently saw a headline about how NASA has sent another explorer to Mars to try and find life. When I was a kid I loved to look at the moon and the planets through my 60 power telescope. When I first saw craters on the moon I was in ecstasy. I had visions of getting a more powerful telescope so that I could see even more. I had an 11 year old mind but I had an advantage over most of the scientists at NASA. I knew that there was no life on Mars and I knew the origins of the universe.
Since early childhood I had been in Sunday school and one of the first things we kids had learned there was how that God created everything. The first book in the Bible, written by Moses around 1445 years before Christ, came right out and said it in the first sentence, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” It seemed rather simple to say. We memorized it quickly and believed it wholeheartedly. Why not believe it? God had said it.
As we progressed in our Bible knowledge we came to the above text that was written by the apostle Paul around 55 After Christ. It is very similar to Genesis 1:1 but actually says a lot more. Jesus, the Son of God, is the exact replica of his invisible Father, God. Chew on that thought for a while. He existed before creation because he is God. All things were created by him. That includes things in the heavens and on earth. He created visible things and invisible things? What might those be? They might be Spirits or even atoms and molecules. The point is that all that exists was created by Jesus. Everything was created by and for him. That is amazing.
All things would include you! You were created for God. “Why would God want me?” you might ask. Good question. He has his plans and you fit exactly where he wants you to. You may say that you don't want to be a part of God’s plans. Or you might not even believe in God. “I’m an atheist” you might shout.” That’s funny. I heard a preacher once say, “God doesn’t believe in atheists!” That was funny too. But even if you don’t want to be a part of God’s plans, it's too bad. You are. You can't escape that fact. Even if you act like you don’t believe in God, you know that deep down that you do. The bible even says so in Romans 1:18-32. So, be like a NASA scientist. Don’t give up trying to discover life. The Apostle John said, “This life was in his Son (Jesus again). And the life was the light of men (John 1:4).
When you discover Jesus Christ as Creator/ Savoir, life begins to make sense. You will see everything differently. Once hard things to understand will become clear. Really! Take it from a once 11 year old.
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