This is what I say when I forget something or have trouble walking on the sidewalk or forget someone's name. It is a funny way of saying that because of my age I kind of have the right to said faux pas.
The real funny part of this saying is that when those two cells came together in my mother's womb, I was already getting old. When we are young it seems to take longer to realize how fast we are aging. When we're 18 the world seems a slight thing to conquer. We have strength we are pretty and there are so many options in front of us.
In my day, college wasn't a big thing. Only the nerds went to college. I remember snickering to myself while thinking about my friend who was going to college to be a teacher. My reasoning was, "What a nut! Here I am making $3.25 an hour during the four years that he is in college PAYING money so that he can make three bucks an hour!" The wisdom of youth.
But that was then, when I was young. I soon had a rude awakening. I realized on my first day of working at GM Truck and Coach that I had entered something of long-term duration. I was going to be in this thing called," the work force" for THIRTY YEARS! That, if I wanted to be able to retire and have the proverbial cabin up north or the place in Florida.
However, Praise be to God my Savior, he changed my tragectory. He took me from the "ball and chain", that is often called the American dream and set me on a different course. It was one that he had in mind all along and it has been quite a journey. I am so grateful that he has let me be a part.
Now here I am in that so long ago predicted future. Back then I looked through the time tunnel and saw my love and I serving God in church and playing with our grandchildren.
In the here and now present the grand kids are far away and we miss being a part of their lives. That fact hasn't deminished our desire to be serving in church. We serve as we thought we might and we do have grand kids near us. They aren't our blood relatives but they are potential spiritual grand kids.
My dad used to say that you are as young as you feel. He also said, "Mike, when people ask you about how you are doing, they don't want to hear an organic recital. Just say that you are fine and give them a smile!"
With a spiritual perspective we can say with confidence what Isiah the prophet said many years ago, But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).
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