Just three years!
What happened in your life just three years ago? Where were you? What were you doing that seemed normal or important? What news or event has made a difference? Who has come or gone in these last three years that either filled or left a hole in your heart?
Three years. Just three short years was the sum of Jesus' ministry. What? Wait a minute? How can that be? Jesus ministered just three years?
Incredible to think about isn't it. A man that lived 2000 years ago, in a country the size of New Jersey and impacted his region for just three years, why are we still talking about him? He was born in obscurity and poverty. He lived with insignificant people in a town with a reputation for producing nothing good. He had no property nor education. He never wrote anything except in the dirt. He didn't travel much outside of the country. He spent most of his time in the rural área talking to the common people.
However, he did have this thing about doing miracles. He healed entire cities and regions. He fed multitudes. He raised the dead. He calmed the sea. He worried political and religious leaders. So much so that they tried to eliminate him. They eventually did kill him. His death was horrific and the instrument that his enemies used to kill him has become the most recognized symbol in history.
Three years. Such tumultuous years. Yet, in those years Jesus Christ accomplished his mission. He presented himself as king and died to please his father and save his precious flock. He left that flock with a mandate. Go and do what I did.
He has affected your life too. Because of him you have a choice to make. You can ask him to be your savior or not. If not then he will become your judge. Where will you be in three years? Will you have made a difference?
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