I saw this title on a YouTube real estate channel that I watch fairly regularly. I thought about what I would say to an 18 year old Mike Jewell. I didn't think too long about that subject, though maybe I should so as to be able to communicate with my grand kids.
However, a conversation with my younger self is just a dream talk. Because it can't happen nor can it change anything. I think that it might be better to talk to my old self. That talk can still yield some positive impact and might even help the younger members of my family in the process.
So, what would I say to my current version Mike? Focus on the goal. That goal is to be more like Christ everyday. Forget what is in the past that didn't have a positive effect on your walk with Jesus. Spend time in the word of God on a daily basis. Don't just read to read, though that will happen sometimes. Read to see Christ in every part of the scriptures. It is possible because he is the focus throughout.
Plan for the future like James told his readers to plan. "Say, if the Lord wills I will do this or that." I once told my mom, after she scolded me for not saying the above phrase, "I don't care if it's the Lord's will or not! I'm not doing it!" I almost got smacked in the head. Kids say the cutest things. That wasn't cute, however. God's will must be my will and yours.
Planning for the future is not a bad thing. It is prudent. However, don't hyperventilate over how things are going to turn out. Remember always that God is in control and he is taking care of all the details. He wants moldable clay not rock heads or rock hearts.
Look for opportunities to help others. It is so rewarding to see God work his work through you. When God opens up an opportunity to help and you do just that, it is what the Bible calls, "being a servant". Jesus went so far as to say that when we help others, we are helping him (Matthew 25:40).
Enjoy life. Remember that you don't have to do everything and that if you were to die today, life would go on, for the most part, normally. You would be missed for sure, but life would go on. You can take it easy at times. It's not a sin to take a trip and see different stuff. Laugh, play and spend intimate time with your family. You won't regret that time invested.
Watch your P's and Q's! I don't know what P's and Q's are but you know what I mean. Behave yourself. Be polite and careful about what you say and do. Don't hurt people's feelings. Laugh with those who laugh and be ready to cry when they are crying. Contrary to what some people think, real men do cry! Don't be so tough that you don't. Another thing, real men embrace too. Don't be ashamed to hug when one is needed.
Go to church! Not just any old church mind you. Go where the preacher loves God and his Word. Church should be 90% of your social activity. Bass your family life around the ministries of your church. Set the example here. Be involved with your whole family in church. It is not a "fortress" mentality it is what good Christian people do. We go to church to learn ever more about God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Those are some of the most important things that I would emphasize to a younger me. What would you say to a younger you?
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