I am noticing a trend these days that is very annoying. Haha. It is that of sending emojis. Someone asks for prayer and the praying hands start flying. Some loses a loved one and the crying eyes emoji flies to comfort and help. Even as I am typing out this devo emojis are being suggested.
A missionary friend asked for financial help to buy a piece of land for a new church. He no sooner had sent his request to our pastors group than a kneeling figure was the relpy. As if the sender would be in prayer and fasting until the need was met. I know better.
Emojis are fun and I use them too. It's just that it is so much easier to look spiritual than it is to put those praying hands to work.
Paul often told his converts that he was praying for them night and day. He told the Philippian believers that he always remembered them with joy. He ended his Roman letter proving his personal knowledge of those believers by naming several.
So pray for someone. Just don't send emojis while doing so.
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