Writer's block is something that happens when an author doesn't think they have something to say. I believe that it has to do with a lack of focus. Because there is always something to be said.
Today for example a baby was born. His name is Quinton. He is beginning life when many think that the end of the world is near. Little Quinton weighed in at 8 lbs and 2 ounces of handsome. Little caring about Eschatology. His idea of bliss is mommy's breast. His goal is to eat and sleep. He doesn't know that he is a little sinner who needs Jesus. He will one day come to that understanding. At least if mommy and daddy have anything to say about the subject.
One day he may even become a missionary to Brazil. That is where his daddy is from and where his paternal grandparents live. None of them know the good news of salvation. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Quinton was used to help his extended family come to Christ?
Well here I go putting my thoughts into his freshly projected path. We'll let God do that. He's good at it. Happy birthday Quinton Jude. I love you already and want God's blessing on your life.
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