Do you feel a debt of gratitude to this couple? If not, you should. Look at what Paul says about this dear family in Romans 16:4, They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.
They are mentioned four times in Acts 18 and in final greetings in Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Timothy 4. They were the original tent makers. Paul worked with them for a while. The had been driven out of Rome by Claudius Ceasar because they were Jews. They traveled with Paul to Ephesus and they helped Apolos understand the gospel according to Jesus.
This couple was instrumental in helping you to know Christ! Paul was helped by them to the point that they almost lost their lives. If Paul had been killed then you would be toast. There would be no Gentile believers these days. Or at least not many.
This couple that has little ink in the New Testament was used in an amazing way by God. Thank you Priscila and Aquila!
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