How do you handle rejection? As a kid, it was my worst nightmare. I like to be accepted. I hate to be rejected. I feel rejected when I'm rejected.
Jesus was rejected. Isaiah says that he was "despised and rejected." That is even worse than just rejected. He was the most despised person in History. Weird when you think about it. He who when he spoke the crowd marveled, was totally rejected.
On His homecoming, in a town of 300, the people listened as he read from the Word. He was handed the Isaiah scroll. He opened it to the exact spot for the moment and read. He read of the Messiah, and he stopped just before the "Judgement" part. As he rolled it up, he said something that didn't win him any "acceptance" points. "This day, this scripture is fulfilled in your ears."
He could have said just about anything else and not been troubled. However, when he said that, the people were livid with rage! "This carpenter man, this son of Mary, this brother to those lugs we know as José, James, Judas. Who does Jesus think that he is? He's poor just like us!"
With that, Jesus was yanked from the synagogue and pushed to the cliff. Their intention was not a touristic view. They wanted to kill him! Why? He was despised and rejected! It was God's will for him.
So, how did he handle it? He did a few miracles and left. He helped the few who believed in him. Then he went to surrounding villages and taught the Gospel of the Kingdom.
I would have been tempted to quit. I would have quit! No doubt. I don't like rejection, especially by my kin. My kin and I are close in a weird, "Jewell-like" way. We love each other, but we don't spend much time telling each other. Funny, isn't it. More weird than funny.
However, I believe that all of my kin love me. They support me in prayer. Some even with monetary gifts. If they rejected me, I would be depressed. I might crawl into my hole and bury myself. Maybe.
Jesus is my example. Funny really. Just after he was rejected, he went and taught. He then called His disciples and sent them out with nothing but their smiles and his message.
Do you think that he was preparing them for rejection? I do because they were.
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