Luke was quite a doctor and an author. His writings outlasted his medical practice. I was reading in his work this morning, The Acts of the Apostles; what a story! Luke did his homework. He researched everything thing from Jesus' intimate talk with his disciples just before his ascension to Paul renting a place in Rome while waiting for his trial. All of this research with no Google. My word, what a fantastic effort.
His books are not fiction but are the most critical historical accomplishment of all time. They tell of the Savior and his legacy, called the church. Without these two books, our literary past would be imperfect. His is the only Church History that we have from eyewitness sources. We see the incredible expansion of the church from a tiny group in an upper room to the ends of the world. If you are reading this and have ever heard of Creator God and his Son Jesus Christ, you connect back to what happened in Luke chapter two in Jerusalem.
Think about that and write your story and how it connects to Luke's story of the redeemer.
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