1 Peter 2:23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him, who judges justly.
If I had all the power of the universe and then some, it would be tough for me to keep quiet if a peon was slapping me. Yet, that is what Jesus did.
You Remember the scene, right? Jesus is bound and beaten already. The following text record some of the abuse:
Matthew 26:67 Then they spat in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him.
Luke 22:63 The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him. 64 They blindfolded him and demanded, "Prophesy! Who hit you?" 65 And they said many other insulting things to him.
John 18:22 When Jesus said this, one of the officials nearby slapped him in the face. "Is this the way you answer the high priest?" he demanded.
Now, put yourself into Jesus' place. You are seemingly helpless and know what lies ahead in the next few hours. All power is yours, yet you know that eternity depends on your obedience to your father's will.
My friend, this is true love and incredible determination of the will. You and I would be tempted to Ka-Pow everything in the universe and start all over again, leaving no witnesses. Jesus, however, couldn't do that because God's plan was set in God's mind and will. Before time began, Jesus had submitted to that purpose (1 Peter 1:19,20), and now was the time to put the plan into action. God demanded the Lamb’s death and the Lamb’s perfect blood shed. Jesus knew this and thus his nonreaction to the physical abuse.
How will you obey God today? His will is always best but not always easy. His way is perfect but not always does it feel like a blessing. Only the Holy Spirit can give you the power to obey in critical moments. So ask him! Before you get slapped.
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