This past year and a half have been quite the seventeen months. We've seen things that we would have thought impossible just eighteen months ago. It has been quite a ride ad a tragic one for so many. Have you lost someone close?
Our situation puts a different spin on the "Moses and the ten plagues" story, doesn't it. We can't imagine a virus so powerful that every single family in the whole land lost someone. And this after the other nine plagues had devastated the country. The Nile to blood flies in the eyes and every other orifice, hail the size of small cars, boils, and flees. Frogs up to the belly button, and then there was the darkness and locus and lice. The death of the firstborn was finally the straw that broke Pharoah's heart, and he still grudgingly let the people go.
We see so much government corruption these days surrounding the COVID virus that we can sympathize with Pharoah's ministers as they saw their country and lives being destroyed by a greedy and stubborn hearted leader. Why did Pharoah wait so long to give in? Two reasons he was hard-hearted, and God wanted him to be hard-hearted. Second, God wanted to show his superiority over all of the gods of Egypt. So, Pharoah hardened his heart, and in the end, God hardened Pharoah's heart to make sure that He whipped all of those Egyptian idols.
He did! And He will beat the little "g" gods these days too. Don't think for a moment that God has left us to our governing officials. He hasn't. He wants to make sure that our world is ripe for his return. Just as it was in the days of Noah, it will be in the end. Are you ready to leave?
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