Genesis 22:2 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you."
An ugly message showed up on Abraham's answering machine. "Abe it's time to offer a sacrifice. That will be your only son."
Now remember that Abe and Sarah had waited 100 years for this kid. He was a teen now and the promised one. Sure Abraham had tried to run ahead of God's plan and had his first boy by a slave girl named Hagar. However, the real blessed son was Isaac. From him would come another son named Jacob and then the twelve tribes etc. Etc..
But just as things are beginning to look like they might work out, God sends this strange message, kill the kid. Sacrifice him to me. Prove that you really trust me.
So, Abraham decides to pull a "Jonah" and runs to Tarshish. I am no way going to sacrifice my only son! That's absurd!!
But, that's not what he did. In fact he got up early to go to sacrifice mount. He went to Moriah. Ever heard of it? You know where it is. Today that spot sits under the golden domed mosque in Jerusalem.
Abraham takes the kid, some wood, a fire and goes sacrifice his son. He draws back the knife to plunge it into his son's heart, and at that instant, God calls his name and stops the pending tragedy.
It's over, the test of love is passed. Isaac can go home with dad.
God was illustrating a future event in which he would offer his son near the spot where Isaac lay on that altar. Jesus would not be spared, however, he would die as proof of God's love for us and Jesus's love for the Father.
Amazing connection between these stories. Thank you Father for the ultimate sacrifice.
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