We find ourselves in quite an unbelievable dilemma with our new national leader. I cannot bare to watch his town hall meetings even knowing that all questions will be softballs. It seems that the poor guy can't really put ten words together without saying, "Come on man!" or "I I I I" or "we we we we".
How did we get to this place in our history? It has been a slow but seemingly sure process. We began to eliminate God from our schools and TV shows. We now wonder why our government is headed to the toilet. It is quite obvious that God is allowing us to have our own way. "Who really is in charge" seems to be the question of the day.
Has God lost control? Definitely not the case. He is bringing judgment to our land. This doesn't need to be the end of the story for believers in Jesus Christ. Now is our time to share with people who want some answers. We may not be well received but that is what happened when Jesus was here, right.
Live right, have input when you can. Protect your family and have a good answer for those who ask for a reason for the hope that you have.
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