The debate has always raged about whether pharaoh was stubborn or whether God made him stubborn. The answer to this age old question is, yes. It really doesn't need to be a debate, because God says that he would harden Pharaoh's heart. Earlier in His conversation with Moses, God gives an interesting perspective of what He does when he says, "Isn't I who makes rich and poor, the seeing and the blind? " God makes one person rich and another one poor. He makes someone with good vision and another one blind. Why?
It may seem unfair to you. How did pharaoh have a choice? The deal was already done before Moses arrived in the ruler's palace. Again the answer would be, correct. This dilemma continues today.
We see most people these days as lost souls going to hell. They may be religious or atheists, but they are lost. Some believe that if you preach hard enough that some of these will be saved. However, the more the gospel is shared the less it seems that it is heeded. Why?
God is God. He does as he pleases. He chooses some and not others. He has no superior and he treats his creation as he wills. He does allow men to make choices and they choose to reject God. Adam and Eve come to mind. Why did Eve bite the fruit? She decided to listen to a snake. Now THAT is weird.
If you doubt whether or not you have a choice in where you will spend your future, entrust it to God. Let his will determine that for you. God loved the world and gave his Son to prove it. Believe in Jesus and you won't regret it. Don't be a hard head, or hard heart.
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