Has this question ever crossed your mind? If it hasn't, then you are probably brain dead. All people who know God are sinners saved by grace. So we have the constant battle of putting off the old man, as Paul called the struggle, and putting on the new man.
In that old man's way of thinking, there is a doubt that our Creator exists. Of course, we may never express that thought for fear of being criticized as a non-believer. But it is there. It might even be revealed during a crisis moment of weakness when we cry out, "Where are you, God?"
With our weak logic, it might be challenging to understand how an eternally invisible being could be believable if we think about God. If we can't see him or even touch him, how do we know that he exists? Even those who had walked with Jesus for three years had doubts. John 14:8 registers one such moment when Philip asked Jesus, "Show us the Father, and that will be enough."
Jesus, in his mysterious yet comforting words, replied, "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?"
Jesus revealed his Father. All that he did and said he did to glorify his Father God. Should we believe him? Of course!
The Bible, too, reveals God. The Bible is the self-proclaimed Word of God. From the beginning verse to the final chapter, the Bible speaks of God. It never tries to prove His existence nor defend the same. It merely tells of His redemptive work through history. It is a fantastic journal that speaks of our wondrous God.
So, when those doubts crowd your confidence in God. Stop whatever you are doing and delve into the depths of scripture to find your powerful Creator. There he is revealed. He is real, and He wants to be known.
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