Joshua 1:2 Moses, my servant, is slain; Get ready now, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land that I give to the children of Israel.
I found a theme from the book of Joshua fascinating. In my Bible, there are notes, and I found this comment about verse two.
1:2 all this people. The unity of God's people in faithfulness is the key to success. When Israel is united in their devotion to God, they cannot be defeated (chs. 6; 8; 10-11; etc.). When they are divided, they don't win (7:3-5; and most of the Judges). The Hebrew word for "all" or "each" occurs 236 times in Joshua, flooding the book with the theme of a unified nation called to receive all the Land. The unity of God's people in their faithfulness to him remains the key to winning Canaan and, in the New Testament, to winning the world (John 17:21).
For this reason, I think our church is so precious because it is a united family. That's why it's so important to hold firm the word of God, so we don't lose our focus. When a united people focus on the sovereign God, we will not get lost. We will have victory in every battle!
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