In junior church, kids learn about Gideon. It's an extraordinary story about how God chose 300 soldiers to fight against a vast army and win the victory. Unhappily, this tale came in a time very similar to our day.
The Jews were in a terrible cycle of disobedience. First, they would forget God and his Law and go through a time of dominance by a pagan nation. Then, eventually, they would recognize their misdeeds and call to God for a deliverer. In this case, it was Gideon.
Gideon summons the troops to battle, and 32,000 show up for the fight. They are heavely outnumbered as chapter 6:5 informs us that the enemy covered the ground like locusts. It was impossible to count them all. So, Not good odds. God, however, tells Gideon to release the men who are afraid to fight, and 22,000 leave the field.
Still, too many, God says that they will think it was themselves who won the battle. So, he again instructs Gideon to take the men to a river where they can drink. God uses the soldier's drinking style to eliminate another 9,700! Now only 300 remain. Notwithstanding, These men would soon be in awe as they witnessed God's mighty hand striking down the Midianites and winning the battle for them.
There are several lessons in this account. Here are three - Don't let sin take you away from serving God. Second, don't get off the true path of meaning and happiness. You will only suffer if you do.
Third, realize that God is the one who fights your battles when they come. Don't forget that fact. When you do what God requires, he will fight for you! So, take courage. The victory is won!
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