Through your precepts I gain understanding; that's why I hate all falsehoods. Psalm 119:104
Psalm 119:97-104 begins with love and ends with hate. You noticed? "How I love your law!... I hate EVERY Way of falsehood." These feelings are closely connected with the word of God. Seven different words are used to describe It:
- Torah - instruction, the law of Moses 97
- Mitzvah - commandments 98 - appears 300 times in the five books of the Law
- Edut - testimony 99
- Piqqud - precepts, statutes 100, 104 - responsibilities required after salvation
- Davar - speak, orders, dictate 101 - 10 commandments does not appear = 10 orders
- Mishpat - judgments 102 - Means the act of deciding a case
- Imrah - utterance, speech, word 103
“The Hebrew letter used in this stanza is MEME. "In Jewish mysticism, MEME is the letter for "water", symbolizing the source of the Torah. Mysterious Fountain That Is God This current that flows from the inner wisdom can be expressed through the gift of man's speech.
The letter's name probably means "water", and its older forms had a resemblance to water waves. As such, MEM represents the sea of the Torah, the ocean of the Talmud, knowledge, wisdom, etc.” *.
Nowadays we have the Internet as a source of information. Often, to find out more about something, we use Google. In fact, right now I've been using Google during this study. We've gotten to the point where I can talk to my cell phone, "OK GOOGLE" and it responds with "Listening." If I have an Internet connection, Google will recognize my voice and will search for my words and the information I want.
I don't want to pop your bubble, but David had a really good idea 3000 years ago. It wasn't like the Internet where it only works if you have a signal. David always had a sign. He didn't say "OK Google". He cried out How much I love your law! And he meditated and swam in the fountain called the Word of God.
Google is cool, but it brings unwanted results. Sometimes things come to my house through Google that I would never normally invite. I know you know what I'm saying.
In this stanza, we learn that the word makes us wiser (98), smarter (99), more perceptive (100) than enemies, masters, and elders. We also learn that the Word protects us from evil ways, teaches us the right way, and gives us a heavenly understanding of our lives. With all this ability at my disposal I would be stupid not to pay more attention to her don't you think?
What should I do? Follow Master David and meditate on the Word. His love for Her will increase with his meditation (97). She's going to be sweeter and sweeter (103). And you will come out as sage. That's what you want, isn't it? Course is.
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