Proverbs 29:27 The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.
We have a problem here, don't we? There is a constant detestation going on between two sectors of society. In one sense, there are no righteous. The Bible reminds us of that point in Romans 3:10. However, the redeemed are righteous in Christ.
The wicked are described as both evil and dishonest. So, we could say that all wicked are crooked and all dishonest are corrupt; they are the same. Again Romans 3 gives us insight where it says, "there is none that does good, not even one."
This understanding helps us to know that the Christian way is unique. It is an impossible way without redemption. Jesus told his men, "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, except by me." So, the way to God, and perfection, is through Jesus Christ. There is no other way to get to Him.
Being a Christian does not make a person perfect, but it does make that person different from society. The new life in Christ shines His light on our insufficiency and inability to be righteous and good. So, with this understanding, the Holy Spirit works His righteousness in and through us.
At this juncture, the hating society shows its ugly head. Society cannot stand to see a righteous one in its midst. Travel back to Sodom and Gomorrah for a glimpse of society's reaction to righteousness. There, the men circled Lot's house to get a piece of the two angelic visitors. Only when they were struck blind did they leave the two alone. And, even then, they groped for the door!
Christian, you are different. You are salt and light in a world needing both. The world killed the Son of Righteousness, and they will kill you too if given the opportunity. Don't be discouraged. Jesus said, "I have overcome the world!" and, "Love those who persecute you." However, when He returns, He will destroy all wickedness and punish with everlasting torment.
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