We don't use the word Hell, do we? Maybe we should use it more. I believe that that was what Job saw happening in his life in chapter two of his story. He had lost his health, and you know that you don't have anything if you don't have health. So in chapter two, he lost all of his earthly possessions, including his family. And all of this happened because God called Satan's attention to his sound and faithful servant. Wait? What?
As mentioned in my last blog post, just because we are God's children does not mean we will not suffer total disaster in life. I know that you have read Job's tale of whoa and have talked about the friends who came to comfort /accuse him. Job could have avoided this whole episode if God had left him alone in his little corner of the world. The Devil hadn't found that corner in his wanderings.
You may remember that scholars believe that Job walked this terrestrial ball around the time that Abraham did. He had no Bible nor even direct communication with God, so we might ask, how did he even know about God? Oral tradition was strong in those days, and he must have learned about God via the theological "grape-vine." Whatever the case, we know that he seemed to be doing everything, even before Moses wrote the book. So, why didn't God let the Devil pick on some lousy guy somewhere else? Because he didn't, that's all.
God never explained why Job suffered, but he does take him to task at the end of this epic poem. He tells Job that he had better buck up and recognize who was in control in no uncertain terms. God, being sovereign doesn't mean all don't feel that sin's effects. God allows sins' consequences to take the stage to help us understand what is vital in this life. That importance is, understanding more and more about our Great God. So, if it looks like all Hell is breaking loose in your life, realize there is a divine purpose behind that trouble. You may never know what that goal is, but you can understand that God is at work to turn your eyes from your infernal situation and toward him.
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