What do you want me to do to you? And he said, Lord, that I may see again. Luke 18:41
The answer to the blind’s question seems obvious. Jesus was talking to a man who had spent years in the dark of blindness. Why then did He ask such a conspicuous question. Didn’t Jesus know what the man needed? Of course, He did. Jesus knew what he really needed, but he wanted to hear from the man’s lips what he thought he needed. Receiving his vision was primary in the blind man’s mind, for I imagine he had thought about seeing since he had gone blind years earlier. However, this encounter changed everything because, with Jesus’ question, the man also received salvation; did you see that? Look again what Luke tells us, And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately, he recovered his sight and followed him, glorifying God. His faith in the Savior had made him well. The word well means brought to safety or saved. The man had asked for a miracle from a man he had never seen, but when he asked believing in the Savior, he gained not only physical sight but spiritual salvation. Did you see Jesus’ words just before the miracle? He said, “your faith has brought you to safety. Wanting his vision that would pass away in just a short time, this man gained his salvation by faith in the soul healer, Jesus Christ. What do you want from Jesus?
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