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Showing posts from May, 2008


I remember when Amy was born back in 1978. We took thousands of pictures, movies, had a great baby book, and didn't miss any opportunity of sharing those special moments with any and all who passed. Ann was born and we took a few pictures. Abby was born... Now it is happeing with our grand kids! Our first Caitlyn was well photographed. Gabriel has been too but only because Ann and Jack are living with us. Brandon Art was born just last week and my first Blog was about, of all things, the BJ soccer team. Ooooooops. Guess that I had better put up at least a couple of pix for our interested readers. I could use the sad excuse that I am a million miles away, or that I don't have internet, or that ... o well. I know that there is really no excuse. Sorry about that. Aren't they both adorable!

It's Gittin Excitin Round Here!

We had a busy week with the 18 man BJ soccer ministry team here from Thursday until Sunday afternoon. There were several exciting opportunities to share the Gospel and literally hundreds heard the message. Many were talked to one on one and several made decisions for Christ! (That is Gil with the kids from next door at right.) Wow! That was refreshing to write. Things around these parts are definitely getting exciting. Which makes it even harder to think about leaving for a year! Our Sunday school class had 10 kids for the second week in a row! And that with 4 visitors. Jose Carlos, a little boy I met while talking with the kids next door, and who basically lives on the street, brought his parents to church last night and both raised their hands for salvation! Carol, Ana Luiza's friend was back too and she also raised her hand at the invitation. Man do we have work to do. I am so thankful for all of your prayers and look forward to sharing what the Lord will be doing in the near fu...

54 and a Dog!

When is the last time that you were glad to have a dog in church? When is the last time that you actually HAD a dog in church? It is “Third World” type stuff that makes the average American laugh when thinking about it. In my 40 years at FBC Lake Orion I never remember having a dog as part of our services. We had a dog of a special number once in a great while (back in the 60s and 70s) but never an actual, four footed, smelly, flea bitten, tail waging, dog! In the last two weeks we have had two dogs in Sunday school. A week ago one of our ladies brought a friend. Louisa was invited and came as a part of our Sunday school contest. She has this dog that is always with her. Where she goes the dog goes. When she comes and the dog comes. She came and that dog came! We didn't count him as one of our visitors, though we would have liked to (We count feet and divide by two!). I was quite surprised as I rounded the pew and noticed bowser seated very nicely next to Louisa. I petted and welco...

Chapter Two!

And now for another chapter of the “Something happened on the way to the orphanage!” story. As I wrote that account I marvelled and wondered at the intricacies of God plan. You might not have read that update. It came on April 3. If not I'll refresh your memory but let me warn you it gets a bit complicated so you might want to check your other e-mails first and come back to it. Anyway, here goes... Ana Luiza, who was taken from her birth mother after seven years of abuse, and who, instead of going to the orphanage, was court ordered sent to her distant and unknown relatives in Sorocaba, and who, after four years of living just a few blocks away, began coming to our church because she was invited by a neighbor to our VBS in January. Remember the story? The neighbor was the boy who wanted to fly his kite in our parking lot just before our VBS was to begin. [side note - you can skip this paragraph if you are already lost at this point. But, this detail could have short circuited th...